Squero Padovano

In Venice squero is the boatyard for the building, maintenance and shelter for traditional boats such as the sandolo, mascareta, puparin, and, of course, the most popular gondola. Even in Padua, city of waters, as in Venice, there were once squeri overlooking the waterways.
Within the walls of the ancient city, in a hidden place to rediscover, we have improvised our squero. Here we're trying to share a story that has been lost over fifty years ago.


This short, lightweight and inexpensive boat was used in fishing valleys in the lagoon north of Venice, dragged by a single man to overcome an embankment or circumvent other obstacles.
This saltafossi is long 3.30 m and width 1, 15 m. It was completely rebuilt (due to the very poor condition the restoration was impossible) by Damiano between January and April 2013.

Damiano is a true "Mastro d'ascia" (shipwright). Here he goes to choose the right wood for the job:

The first construction phase is the realization of the "Cantier" on which you set "piane" and "sanconi", the segments that make up the backbone of the boat. You have to shape a wooden board as long as the boat to the ground. Over this line, called "Cantier", Damiano sets the structure of the saltafossi:

Our young friends celebrating the work of Damiano:

The new "saltafossi"just launched:

September 2013: The saltafossi leaves from Padova to participate in the Festival de Loire:

The arrival in France:

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